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日期:2010-07-28 | 閱讀:
目錄 Contents 世襲尊,天成杰作 Hereditary Dignity, a Masterpiece from God 羅蘭西尼, 門窗新貴 Rolansini, a New Star in the Door Window Industry 系出名門, 傳世杰作 Originating from Gentlefolk, Being a Imperishable Ma

Hereditary Dignity, a Masterpiece from God
羅蘭西尼, 門窗新貴
Rolansini, a New Star in the Door & Window Industry
系出名門, 傳世杰作
Originating from Gentlefolk, Being a Imperishable Masterpiece
Heavy Sliding Door
Lifting Sliding Door
RS 75
RS 75
Heavy Accordion Door
Heavy Folio Door
Heavy Vertical Hinged Door

Heavy Sliding Door
RS 80
RS 80
Parallel Sliding Door

Heavy Sliding Door
Heavy Sliding Door (with Gauze Screen)

RS 68
RS 68
Outward-opening Window
RS 55
RS 55
Tilt & Turn Window
Aluminum-clad Wood Sliding Door
RS 70
RS 70
Aluminum-clad Wood Tilt & Turn Window

Sunshine House
( 推拉門  折疊門  對開門  平開門  外開窗  鋁包木  內開窗  陽光房 )
(Sliding Door, Accordion Door, Folio Door, Vertical Hinged Door, Outward-opening Window, Aluminum-clad Wood, Tilt & Turn Window, Sunshine House)

羅蘭西尼, 門窗新貴
Rolansini, a New Star in the Door & Window Industry
As a classic technique of doors and windows from Italy, its marrow has been passed on from generation to generation by virtue of the integration of simplicity and classics.
High-end manufacturing process brings about such a fascinating and free design inspiration, which pays close attention to each detail to secure perfect works. It is unrestrained in passion, while mature in calmness; in such a way, Italian elegance is shown unintentionally everywhere, even the age-old development of European culture is also cohered here.
With Italian modernistic style, it is showing engaging life charm; with the preeminent quality, it is becoming a new star in the door & window industry of China.
Boasting exquisite texture, strong quality and elegant style, Rolansini is deducing the mode of high-end doors and windows and creating high-quality life graciously and handsomely like an Italian noble gentleman.

系出名門, 傳世杰作
Originating from Gentlefolk, Being a Imperishable Masterpiece

All the way from Italy to China with the integration of European noble bloodline and oriental wisdom, it is designed elaborately to be a remarkable product with long history and new style, providing residence with a marvelous mode.
Some classics come into being with inherent nobleness. Thanks to unsurpassed and advanced techniques, Rolansini, as an elaborate masterpiece of famous designers, has given us the transcendental quality and style of residences.
品質  鑄就品牌
Quality Shapes up Brand
工藝 / 引進歐洲一流工藝,鍛造優異品質
Technique/ Introducing European top-ranking techniques to shape up the outstanding quality
All types of products are developed by famous designers by integrating global strategies with advanced techniques, so the pure Italian technologies are well extracted, merged and sublimated for high-quality doors and windows.
材質 / 原創歐洲頂級型材,打造卓越品質
Material/Adopting original European top materials to fulfill the remarkable quality
European standard, specialized and high-quality materials are adopted to achieve a superior integration with strong stability, high mechanical strength, good fire resistance and fine weather fastness, etc. Such integration has greatly improved the original abrasive, corrosion and ageing resistances. Its remarkable quality is enough to be tested for durability as time goes on.
配件 / 歐洲標準五金配件,造就完美品質
Fittings/ Applying European standard hardware fittings to mould the perfect quality
With complete high-quality hardware fittings, the high-requirement selection standard is adopted; thanks to the leading processing and installing techniques, each detail of products is ensured to be exquisite and unsurpassed; the overall contour becomes smooth and then the quality becomes naturally perfect.
Fluorocarbon Spraying Process
As a high-grade spraying process, Fluorocarbon Spraying is much more capable of bearing severe weather than common coatings by virtue of excellent fading, frosting, atmospheric pollution (acid rain) corrosion, ultraviolet rays and crack resistances; the stability and durability of fluorocarbon coating is respectively 30% and 80% higher than common coatings. In normal climate, the kind of coating can be used for 50 years. Thanks to its outstanding features, it becomes more and more popular by high-end clients all over the world.
② 和無機顏料的結合可以保持幾十年以上的超耐候性
③ 極低的水份透蝕性,耐腐蝕性好
④ 用加熱化學反應固化,附著力強
⑤ 可以滿足現代建筑需要的各種顏色要求
Main Performance
① Super-cohesion fluorocarbon structural coating, featured with outstanding abrasive resistance and durability
② Because of the integration with inorganic paints, strong weather fastness can be kept for decades of years
③ Low water permeability and good corrosion resistance
④ Solidifying through heating chemical reaction, strong adhesion
⑤ Be capable of meeting all the color requirements demanded by modern architecture
Technical Standard
International Standard AAMA一605.02.90, Construction Method Technical Standard of Main Performance
Construction Method
3-coating and 1-baking 3C-lB: Priming + Finishing coat + Varnish + Solidifying (Baking)

<1>  前期處理:將型材表面要經過一系列化學處理,使表面更加美觀,并增強金屬表面和涂層結合力及防氧化能力。
<2>  底漆涂層:厚度:5-10μm;提高涂層抗滲透能力,穩定金屬表面層,加強面漆與金屬表面的附著力,可以保證面漆涂層的顏色均勻性。
<3> 面漆涂層:厚度:23-30μm;提供鋁材所需要的裝飾顏色,使鋁材外觀達到設計要求,并且大大增強耐腐蝕、抗老化能力。
<5>  固化處理:以最佳的溫度和時間將經過三次噴涂的型材進行烘烤,增強其強度與穩固性。
Construction Process
<1> Earlier treatment: A series of chemical treatments are performed to the surface of materials to make the surface artistic and enhance the adhesion and anti-oxidation of metal surface and coatings.
<2> Priming coating: Thickness: 5-10μm; the impermeability of coating is improved; finally, the stability of metal surface and the adhesion of finishing coat and metal surface are enhanced, in such a way, the color uniformity of finishing coat can be guaranteed to a large extent.
<3> Finishing coat: Thickness: 23-30μm; the decoration colors required by aluminum are provided to enable the aluminum to be conforming to the relevant design requirement; besides, the corrosion and ageing resistances are strengthened greatly.
<4> Varnish coat: Thickness: 5-10μm; the metallic luster of finishing colors is improved for more nacreous appearance; the anti-corrosion is enhanced efficiently to protect the finishing coat properly.
<5> Solidifying: The material after three-time spraying is baked under the optimal temperature and time for better strength and stability.

Wood Grain Heat Transfer Film
As for Italian wood grain heat transfer film, the heat transfer film technology is adopted to print wood grains onto the surface of a metal plate or heat resisting plastic material to obtain lively and clear wood grains on the surface of product. No cementing on substrates; after the transfer, any treatment isn’t required by the penal.
Thanks to its advanced technology, high quality and excellent performance, the product has been praised highly on the market, especially on the environmental protection and energy saving market, it has become a kind of fashion and model.
防酸  防堿  防火  硬度高  重量輕  不變形  經久耐用
Comparing with wood, the wood grain aluminum alloy material is featured with 7 significant advantages
Acid proofing   Alkali proofing   Fireproofing    High hardness    Light weight     Distortion inexistence     Durability
Severe, only for quality
Precise, only for high-quality life

重型推拉門 / 提升推拉門

1  采用進口配件,多點鎖閉,門扇截面寬大,適合最大門扇使用。
2  通過執手控制,門扇可穩固停留于軌道任意位置,高度安全。
3  優越的氣密性、水密性,隔音隔熱,環保、節能性能強
4  關閉時利用門扇的自重下沉力,將門扇上下兩端密封膠條僅僅壓向門框,是目前世界上密封最佳推拉門。
5  無障礙式軌道,可實現真正意義的無門檻,開啟輕便靈活
節點圖 / 細節展示圖

1  高檔推拉門的經典之作,全面滿足多種不同風格的材質、顏色搭配
2  寬闊的采景玻璃,開啟靈活的落地門扇,使室外景色一覽無余,盡收眼底
3  門扇100%平齊開啟,框、扇都在同一個垂直面上,簡潔利落
4  門體內外兩側飾面平整,美觀大方
Heavy Sliding Door/ Lifting Sliding Door

1. Adopting imported fittings, multiple-point lock and wide door leaf section, which is suitable for maximum door leaf.
2. With the handling control, the door leaf can be stayed stably at any position of track, which ensures safety greatly.
3. It is featured with excellent gas & water tightness, sound & heat insulation and environmental protection & energy saving performances.
4. In case of closing the door, due to the self-weight down force, adhesive tapes on the top and bottom of door leaf is pressed tightly to the doorframe; the kind of doors is the sliding door with optimum sealing in the modern world.
5. With the accessible track, doorsill free is fulfilled completely for easy and flexible opening.

Node diagram/Detail drawing

1. The typical high-grade sliding door fully meets various materials and colors matching in different styles.
2. Wide scenery glass is adopted to form flexible landing door leaf for full scene outside.
3. The door leaf is opened levelly and completely, and the frame and leaf are placed at the same vertical plane, featuring simple and convenient.

4. The decorative finish inside and outside the door is even, featuring elegant appearance.
RS 75
重型折疊門 / 重型對開門 / 重型平開門

1  可采用單扇平開+多扇折疊或多扇折疊
2  可配合室外防盜卷簾門使用,有效防盜并有良好的隔熱性能
3  采用多腔體結構設計,有效隔音隔熱
4  門扇美觀豪華,內開外開雙向使用,有效利用室內外空間
5  門扇開啟空間100%,通風效果好
6  采用專用軌道和自動調節的雙輪結構,使之推拉平穩輕快,無噪音
節點圖 / 細節展示圖
1  90°開啟,最大限度的將空間打開,光線通透,使室內室外和諧而時尚
2  組合方式不受扇式限制,奇、偶數相宜,滿足任意組合的需要
3  內外兩側飾面平整,美觀大方
RS 75
Heavy Accordion Door/Heavy Folio Door/Heavy Vertical Hinged Door

1. Single-leaf vertical hinged + multi-leaf accordion or multi-leaf accordion style can be adopted.
2. It can be used together with outdoor anti-theft rolling door for effective anti-theft effect and better heat insulation.
3. The multi-cavity structural design is adopted to fulfill effective sound and heat insulation.
4. The door leaf is artistic and luxurious, so it can be opened outwards and inwards to make full use of indoor and outdoor spaces.
5. The door leaf is opened completely to achieve good ventilation.
6. Special tracks and self-adjusting dual-wheel structure are adopted to fulfill stable and silent sliding.

Node diagram/Detail drawing

1. With the opening angle of 90°, the space is opened at the maximum degree, so the transparent light brings about harmonious and fashionable indoor and outdoor environment.
2. The combination isn’t restricted by the leaf style; its suitable odd and even number meets the requirement of any combination.
3. The decorative finish inside and outside the door is even, featuring elegant appearance.

1  可實現單軌、雙軌、三軌推拉功能,開啟靈活自如
2  款式多樣,設計大方優雅
3  型材設計采用歐洲標準五金槽口,多點鎖,達到很好的防盜作用
4  門扇開啟空間大,通風性能好
5  優異的隔熱,防寒,隔音性能
6  門框采用里高外低設計,超強防水性能得到歐洲權威機構認可
節點圖 / 細節展示圖
1.  高檔推拉門的經典之作,全面滿足多種不同風格的材質、顏色搭配
2.  寬闊的采景玻璃,開啟靈活的落地門扇,使室外景色一覽無余,盡收眼底
3.  門扇100%平齊開啟,框、扇都在同一個垂直面上,簡潔利落
4.  門體內外兩側飾面平整,美觀大方
Heavy Sliding Door

1. Simple-track, dual-track and three-track sliding can be fulfilled to ensure flexible and free opening.
2. It is featured with many different styles and generous and elegant design
3. The material adopts European standard hardware notch and multi-point lock for high anti-theft performance.
4. The door leaf is opened to a big space to achieve good ventilation.
5. It is equipped with excellent heat insulation, winter protection and sound insulation.
6. The doorframe is provided with high inside and low outside, as well as super waterproofness certified by European authority.

Node diagram/Detail drawing

1. The typical high-grade sliding door fully meets various materials and colors matching in different styles.
2. Wide scenery glass is adopted to form flexible landing door leaf for full scene outside.
3. The door leaf is opened levelly and completely, and the frame and leaf are placed at the same vertical plane, featuring simple and convenient.
4. The decorative finish inside and outside the door is even, featuring elegant appearance.
RS 80

1  使用歐洲進口高檔五金配件,結構采用下軌滑動推拉,開啟靈活自如
2  中空玻璃設計,隔音隔熱,具有極佳的水密性和氣密性,防風防水
3  多軌推拉開啟空間大,給人良好的視野空間
4  推拉靈活,優質的材料屬性完全消除推拉噪音

節點圖 / 細節展示圖
B型門檻 / A型門檻

1  可選擇不同的飾面工藝、材質、顏色,全面滿足不同風格的搭配
2  寬闊的采景玻璃,開啟靈活的落地門扇,使室外景色一覽無余,盡收眼底
3  門扇100%齊開啟,簡潔利落、美觀大方
RS 80
Parallel Sliding Door

1. Adopting European imported high-grade hardware fitting and lower track sliding, it features flexible and convenient opening.
2. Featuring hollow glass design and sound & heat insulation, it possesses excellent water and gas tightness, so as to resist wind and water.
3. With multi-track sliding, the opening space is large to provide a wide vision.
4. With flexible sliding, the high-quality materials enable to completely eliminate the noise.

Node diagram/Detail drawing
B-type doorsill/A-type doorsill

1. Different finish processes, materials and colors can be selected to fully meet the matching in different styles.
2. Wide scenery glass is adopted to form flexible landing door leaf for full scene outside.
3. The door leaf is opened levelly and completely, featuring simple, convenient, and beautiful.

重型推拉門 / 重型推拉門(+紗網)

1  門扇截面較大,適合大型門扇、采光門型使用
2  可實現單軌、雙軌、三軌推拉功能,開啟靈活自如,門扇開啟空間大
3  門扇道軌分體混裝結構,防撬、防盜、安全可靠
4  隱藏式硅化毛條,硅膠條混合密封
5  可配置紗網,輕巧靈活,有效防止蚊蟲侵入

節點圖 / 細節展示圖
B型門檻 / A型門檻

1  高檔推拉門的經典之作,全面滿足多種不同風格的材質、顏色搭配
2  寬闊的采景玻璃,開啟靈活的落地門扇,使室外景色一覽無余,盡收眼底
3  門扇100%平齊開啟,框、扇都在同一個垂直面上,簡潔利落
4  門體內外兩側飾面平整,美觀大方
Heavy-duty Sliding Door/Heavy-duty Sliding Door (with gauze screen)

1. With larger door leaf section, it is suitable to the large door leaf and lighting door.
2. Simple-track, dual-track and three-track sliding can be fulfilled to ensure flexible and free opening, and large door leaf opening space.
3. The track segregation mixed loading structure of the door leaf enables to resist tamper and burglary, featuring save and reliable.
4. With concealed silicified wool top, the silicone tube features mixed sealing.
5. The gauze screen can be equipped to effectively avoid the mosquito invasion. It is convenient and flexible.

Node diagram/Detail drawing
B-type doorsill/A-type doorsill

1. The typical high-grade sliding door fully meets various materials and colors matching in different styles.
2. Wide scenery glass is adopted to form flexible landing door leaf for full scene outside.
3. The door leaf is opened levelly and completely, and the frame and leaf are at a same vertical plane, featuring simple and convenient.
4. The decorative finish inside and outside the door is even, featuring elegant appearance.
RS 68

1  非隔熱隔熱型材,外平開窗結構;
2  三腔結構,強度高、隔音好;
3  歐洲標準五金槽口,可裝配多點鎖;
4  外開結構,設定三級開啟角度(15°、40°、65°)
5  扇形雙腔硅橡密封膠條,無接駁雙重密封。

節點圖 / 細節展示圖

1  窗體內外兩側,可分別選擇不同的飾面工藝、材質、色彩,能滿足任何風格的顏色需求
2  無壓條連體窗扇,可視飾面較小,采光率強
3  框扇槽口完全閉合,美觀大方,不藏塵,易清理

RS 68
Outward-opening Window

1. It adopts non-insulated material and out-level-open window structure;
2. The three-cavity structure features high strength and good noise insulation effect;
3. The European standard hardware notch can be equipped with multi-point lock;
4. With the outward-opening structure, it can be set the three-level opening angle (15°,  40°and 65°);
5. The fan-shaped double-cavity silicon sealing rubber strip can realize non-connection double seal.

Node diagram/Detail drawing

1. The outer and inner sides of the window can respectively select different finish processes, materials and colors to meet the color demand in different styles.
2. The joint window sash without layering features small visible decorative finish and strong lighting.
3. The frame and sash notches are closed completely, featuring elegant appearance, dust prevention and easy clean-up.

RS 55

1  隔條型材,保溫節能,內開結構可實現90度內開,上懸功能
2  通過聯動五金件和執手,窗扇關閉時固定在窗框上,防盜性能高、安全可靠
3  簡單操作聯動執手,可使窗扇外面轉到室內,可以方便快捷的清洗窗戶外表面
4  通過窗扇周圍多點鎖閉,提升了門窗的密封、保溫效果
5  優越的通風性,自然流通,為人們創造出舒適的居住環境

節點圖 / 細節展示圖 / 展開效果

1  運用國外先進技術設計獨特,光線通透,使室外景色一覽無余,盡收眼底
2  全面滿足多種不同風格的材質、顏色搭配
3  窗框、窗扇截面寬大,牢固安全;框扇槽口可完全閉合,美觀大方
RS 55
Tilt & Turn Window

1. The parting stop material possesses heat preservation and energy-saving performance and the inward opening structure can realize the inward opening in 90°and the top hung function.
2. With the linked hardware and lever handle, the window sash is fixed in the window frame when closing to form high anti-theft performance and reliability.
3. The outside of the window sash can be switched to the indoor through operating the linked lever handle, which is convenient to clean the outside surface of the window.
4. The multi-point lock surrounding the window sash promotes the sealing and heat preservation effect of the doors and windows.
5. The good ventilation creates a comfortable living environment for people.

Node diagram/Detail drawing/Unfolding effect 

1. Depending on the special design with foreign advanced technique, the light is transparent and the outdoor scenery can be seen clearly and fully.
2. Fully meet various materials and colors matching in different styles.
3. The window frame and window sash sections are large, featuring firm and save; the frame and sash notches are closed completely, which is elegant and beautiful.

RS 2000

1  采用隔熱鋁合金型材和實木,通過機械方法復合而成框體
2  型材之間采用高分子尼龍件連接,完美解決兩種材料收縮系數不同的問題
3  外鋁內木,雙重裝飾效果,室內是實木門窗,室外是鋁合金門窗
4  優越的氣密性、水密性,隔音隔熱,環保、節能性能優越
5  下軌道可采用銅軌式,便門檻與地面同一水平面,過道無障礙,安全又方便

節點圖 / 細節展示圖 / 展開效果

1  可選擇不同的飾面工藝,滿足任何風格的需求
2  門扇開閉時,門框門扇在同一個垂直面上,完美簡潔
3  開啟輕巧流暢,順滑、輕逸、無噪音,極大的將室內空間打開
RS 2000
Aluminum-clad Wood Sliding Door

1. The frame is combined by adopting heat insulation aluminum alloy materials and solid wood with the mechanical method.
2. The materials are connected together by macro-molecular nylon pieces, which eliminate the problem of the coefficient difference of shrinkage of two materials.
3. Featuring double decorative effect with aluminum outside and wood inside, the indoor possesses solid wood doors and windows and the outdoor possesses aluminum alloy doors and windows.
4. It is featured with excellent gas & water tightness, sound & heat insulation and environmental protection & energy saving performances.
5. The lower track can adopt the copper track. The doorsill and the ground are at the same level, which makes the corridor free from barrier, save and convenient.

Node diagram/Detail drawing/Unfolding effect 

1. Different finish processes can be selected to fully meet the demand in different styles.
2. Door frame and door leaf are at a same vertical plane in case of opening and closing, and it is perfect and simple.
3. It is light, smooth, ease and noiseless when opening, which greatly broadens the indoor space.

RS 70

1  采用高級鋁合金構成主體框架,內嵌高檔硬木
2  兩種型材之間采用高質量五金件進行連接
3  外鋁內木雙重裝飾效果,既保留純木天然質感,又注入鋁合金的現代風格
4  多腔、多鎖點設計,穩定性好,極佳的水氣密性,隔音隔熱,節能環保
5  結構美觀,色彩鮮艷,大氣堅固

節點圖 / 細節展示圖 / 展開效果

1  產品美觀的造型、豐富的色彩,及先進的配置,剛毅的外形中透出絲絲柔美
2  外層鋁合金可進行多種顏色處理,維護建筑物的整體美
3  鋁合金的外立面材質,有多種顏色選擇,適應建筑外立面的要求
4  大面積采光,使室內通透明亮、空間錯落有致,坐在室內即可盡享窗外美景
RS 70
Aluminum-clad Wood Tilt & Turn Window

1. The main body frame is composed by high-quality aluminum alloy and the high-grade hardwood is embedded.
2. Two kinds of materials are connected together by high-quality hardware.
3. The double decorative effect with aluminum outside and wood inside maintains the natural texture of the pure wood and adds the modern style of the aluminum alloy.
4. The multi-cavity and multi-point lock design features good stability, and excellent air tightness and water tightness. In addition, it possesses noise and heat insulation, energy-saving and environmental protection performances.
5. The structure features beautiful and grand and the color are bright and elegant.

Node diagram/Detail drawing/Unfolding effect 

1. The product possesses beautiful model, rich color and advanced configuration. Soft grace is shown in the resolute figure.
2. The outer aluminum alloy can be implemented various color handling to maintain the ensemble beauty of the buildings.
3. For the facades material of the aluminum alloy, many kinds of colors can be selected to meet the demand of the building facades.
4. The large-area lighting makes it is transparent and bright inside the house. The space is well-arranged, and the outdoor scenery can be seen clearly and fully inside the house.

RS 680

1  采用高強度鋁合金型材,結構層與飾面層分體組合方式
2  提供鋼化、夾膠、中空等各類特種玻璃屋面,造型新穎美觀,構造安全
3  高密閉工藝結構確保密封不滲漏,具有優越的保溫、隔熱、
4  防水和防紫外線性能
5  智能化電動天窗,自動控制天窗打開和關閉,調動室內空氣流量防止雨淋濕

節點圖 / 細節展示圖 / 展開效果

1  有平頂、尖頂、斜頂、圓弧頂、人字頂等多種形狀,內外兩側采用不同的飾面工藝
2  全新的既私密又開放的生活空間,把自然引進住所,讓陽光沐浴生活
3  用柔和的色彩及強自然采光使空間光線充足明亮
4  讓居室顏色的搭配在冷與暖之間隨意游走,風格上實現現代與生態之間的隨心切換
RS 680
Sunshine House

1. With high-strength aluminum alloy materials, it adopts the segregation combination mode of structural layer and finish layer.
2. Various special steel, doubling and hollow glass roofing are provided, featuring fashionable and attractive model and save structure.
3. Depending on high enclosed process structure, it is non-permeable and possesses good heat preservation and insulation performance.
4. Performance of waterproof and UV protection.
5. With intelligent power sunroof, the skylight can be opened and closed automatically to adjust the indoor airflow rate and avoid the rain.

Node diagram/Detail drawing/Unfolding effect

1. Various shapes like flattop, pinnacle, pentroof, round top and open roof can be selected and the two sides adopt different finish processes.
2. Depending on the brand-new private and open living space, the nature is introduced into the house and the life will be full of sunshine.
3. The space is full of bright sunshine through the soft color and strong natural lighting.
4. The color matching of the house is randomly changed between cool and warm, so as to realize the switchover between modern and ecology in style.

