Discussion on the Operability of Standard Identification of Fiber Content of Garment Product
摘要:為了有效執行FZ/T 01053-2007 《紡織品 纖維含量的標識》標準、提高服裝產品檢測質量,增強纖維含量標識標準的可操作性,通過大量比對試驗,并對質量檢測中遇到的有關問題深入探討后,找出對現行纖維含量標識標準中有關條款的修訂方法。
Abstract: To effectively implement FZ/T 01053-2007 Textiles—Identification of Fiber Content, strengthen quality control of garment product, improve the Operability of Standard Identification of Fiber Content and find out way to revise terms on the existing Standard Identification of Fiber Content through rich comparison tests and discussion on problems in the quality inspection.
關鍵詞:標準 纖維含量標識 可操作性 探討
Key words: Standard, Identification of Fiber Content, Operability and Discussion
0 前言
0 Preface
自2001年12月中國加入WTO[1]后,一方面為中國的紡織服裝產品全面加入國際競爭提供了很好的機會,另一方面也會影響到尚未完成的我國服裝業的升級換代與結構調整。面臨著巨大的機遇和挑戰,為了提高紡織業在國際上的競爭力,必須應用新技術開發新產品,提高產品附加值和質量、樹立自主品牌是企業提高國際競爭力的重要手段之一。紡織品質量[2]的優劣與生產過程中的各個環節都有密切的聯系,質量因素是多方面的,其生產過程或過程中的各項活動的質量就決定了產品的質量。適用、實用的紡織標準就為紡織生產提供量化標準,其中紡織纖維種類[3]及其含量是標志紡織品品質的重要內容之一,也是消費者購買紡織品時最直接的關注點,準確標注服裝產品的纖維含量,對于承擔紡織品質量監督任務的質量監督機構來說,可謂任重道遠。FZ/T 01053-2007 《紡織品 纖維含量的標識》自2007年11月1日實施以來,為規范纖維含量標注發揮了很大作用,但隨著各類產品的不斷出現,也顯示了實際應用中的弊端,能否最大限度提高纖維含量標識的可操作性成為商家、質量檢測機構和標準起草部門一直追求的目標。
Since China’s access to WTO [1] in December 2001, it has created a good opportunity for China’s textile apparel participating in international competition on one hand; on the other hand, it has exerted influence on the uncompleted upgrading, reforming and structural regulation of China’s clothing industry. Facing both great opportunity and challenge, enterprises should become more competitive in textile industry in the world by applying new technology to develop new products, improving the added value and quality of products, and setting independent brand. The quality [2] of textile is in close connection with each production link and affected by many factors. The production process as well as the activities in the production process will determine the quality of the products. Applicable and practical textile standard offers quantitative criteria for textile production. Meanwhile, category [3] and content of textile fibre are important factors indicating the quality of textile, and also the direct focuses of customers when buying textile. Quality Supervision Institution for supervising the quality of textile shoulder heavy responsibilities of marking the fibre content of garment product accurately. Since FZ/T 01053-2007 Textiles—Identification of Fiber Content was carried out on November 1, 2007, it has played important role in specifying the identification of fibre content. While, it has also had some disadvantages in practical use due to the creation of a variety of products. As a result, improvement of the Operability of Identification of Fiber Content becomes the goal pursued by enterprises, Quality Supervision Institution and Standard Draft Department persistently.
1 國家標準中纖維含量的標識
1. Identification of Fiber Content as for National Standard
我國的紡織品檢測標準的制定[4]和修訂速度明顯滯后于產品的開發速度。紡織品檢測的國家標準、行業標準及企業標準大部分都是20世紀90年代初制定和發布的,即使部分內容有所更新,也因品種單一和不配套而使標準缺乏連貫性和嚴密性,導致標準在實際執行的過程中遇到瓶頸。例如FZ/T 01053-2007 《紡織品 纖維含量的標識》纖維含量允差7.1中規定:產品或產品的某一部分完全由一種纖維組成時,用“100%”、“純”或“全”表示纖維含量,纖維含量允差為0;同時該標準7.5 中也規定:當產品中某種纖維含量≤0.5%時,可不計入總量,標為“含微量XX”。簡單歸納上述兩點標準,不難得出下面的結論:如標注為100%棉的產品中是不允許含有其它纖維的,那怕只含有0.01%的其它纖維都可判定為不合格產品;同理,當標注為100%棉(含微量滌綸)的產品也不能只含棉纖維,一定要有≤0.5%的滌綸才可以判定為合格產品。
The formulation and revision of inspection standard of China’s textile are far behind the development of products. National standard, industrial standard and enterprise standard of textile inspection were mostly constituted and issued in the early 1990s, part of which were in trouble during the implementation and renewed for lack of consistency and strictness because of single and unmatched products. For example, concerning the tolerance, in clause 7.1 of FZ/T 01053-2007 Textiles—Identification of Fiber Content, it is specified that when the product or some part of the product is made of a certain fibre, it should indicate the fibre content with “100%”, “pure” or “full”, and the tolerance of the fibre content is 0; in clause 7.5, it is specified that when fibre content of the product is no more than 0.5%, it may not be calculated in the total content and marked with “micro XX contained”. In summarization of the above two standards, it can be undoubtedly concluded that the product with only 0.01% fibre can be judged unqualified if the product marked with 100% cotton allows no other fibre; similarly, the product marked with 100% cotton (with micro terylene) cannot contain cotton fibre only and must contain no more than 0.5% terylene. In this way, it can be judged qualified.
2 檢測過程中常見的問題
2. Problems during the inspection
2.1 相同產品在標準中的不確定性
2.1 Uncertainty of standard of same product
During the quality inspection and test, it is usually detected that some products marked with 100% cotton contain little other fibre, which is well demonstrated on the qualitative and quantitative process for jeans. For example, some jean label is marked with 100% cotton fibre. However, when the slice is observed with microscope, the slice is found with one or two strips of viscose or fibrilia. After observed for many times, the slice is found with viscose or fibrilia every now and then. The viscose or fibrilia cannot be measured with chemical dissolution method or some other method for it is in existence with very little quantity. In such a case, some Quality Supervision Department will think that the product can still be marked with 100% cotton even if it is mixed with micro fibre beyond control, such as flying; while, another Quality Supervision Department would suggest 100% cotton (micro other fibre). Finally, the same product could be marked in two different ways.
2.2 不同時期和服裝不同部位檢測中出現的不同結果
2.2 Different detection results of different parts of the clothes in different periods
When submitted for inspection by manufacturers, the cloth of the product is detected with 100% cotton. But the finished clothes are detected with micro other fibre when submitted for inspection again, or the fibre content of different parts of the same material is slightly different. Some parts are pure cotton, while other parts are with micro other fibre. In this case, the manufacturer, Garment Product Supervision Department and Quality Supervision Department have difficulties in explaining and each is affirmative about its inspection. The operability of standard leads to the inconsistent criteria for all the supervision departments, which often results in complaints from customers.
2.3 Comparison test
To make issue mentioned above clear, abundant and systematic comparison tests [5] are carried out. The cooperative enterprise is a famous manufacturer.
2.3.1 主要儀器
2.3.1 Main instrument
Fiber fineness analyzer, fiber slice cutter, analytical balance (0.0002g precision), electric blast drying oven (keep temperature at105℃±3℃), constant temperature vibrator (with adjustable temperature), drier (with allochroic silicagel), 250ml stuffed conical flask and graduated flask.
2.3.2 試樣制備
2.3.2 Preparation of test sample
Randomly selecting 5 from 20 samples for inspection and respectively recording them with A, B, C, D and E as samples to be inspected; according to the requirements of preparing samples by standard, cutting 4 parts from different parts of each different samples and respectively recording them with①, ②, ③ and ④.
2.3.3 試樣定性
2.3.3 Determination of nature of test sample
It can be preliminarily determined as cotton fibre through burning and microscope.
2.3.4 試樣干重測定
2.3.4 Measuring of dry weight of test sample
Put the test sample in the weighing bottle with constant weight; dry in the oven at a temperature of 105℃±3℃; put on the bottle cap and then remove to the drier for cooling and weighing; repeat the steps to get a constant weight.
2.3.5 溶解纖維素纖維
2.3.5 Dissolution of cellulosic fibre
Dissolve cellulosic fibre of the dried sample with 75% (m/m) sulphuric acid; clean and dry insoluble fibre; cool, weigh and calculate the percentage of each component.
2.3.6 凈干重量百分率的計算
2.3.6 Percentage of calculation of net dry weight
The method is as follows:
In the formula, P1 is the percentage (%) of net dry weight of insoluble fibre;
P2 is the percentage (%) of net dry weight of soluble fibre;
m0 is the dry weight (g) of sample pretreated;
m1 is the dry weight (g) of the rest insoluble fibre;
d is the modified coefficient of weight of the insoluble fibre when processing reagent;
d is calculated as follows:
In the formula, m0 is the dry weight (g) of the known insoluble fibre;
m1 is the dry weight (g) of the insoluble fibre after processing reagent;
In this experiment, d=1.00.
2.3.7 試驗數據
2.3.7 Experimental data
Experimental data are shown in the following table 1:
表1 試驗數據
Table 1: Experimental data
Test sample 溶解前試樣干量(g)
Dry weight (g) of test sample prior to dissolution 溶解后不溶纖維干量(g)
Dry weight (g) of insoluble fibre after dissolution 不溶纖維百分含量(%)
Percentage (%) of insoluble fibre
2.3.8 試驗結果分析
2.3.9 Analysis of test results
Through analysis and treatment of the rest fibre in the table 1, we can know that the rest is polyester fiber. Of 20 test samples, there are 7 test samples with terylene, which makes up 35% of the total test samples, and the terylene is very little, that is, no more than 0.1%. In addition, test samples with micro terylene are distributed irregularly, and they are random. The cooperative enterprise provided the production process for pure cotton jeans, so it is impossible to add terylene or other fibre by men.
With analysis of all aspects, it can be judged that the terylene is mixed beyond control when the clothes are spun, weaved, dyed and finished. There is chance and randomness, and it is little, that is, different data in table 1 has occurred for the same batch of material owing to inevitable factor, such as flying.
3 標準標識的不完整性
3 Incompletion of standard identification
3.1 微量纖維的忽略量
3.1 Negligible quantity of micro fibre
根據實驗結果,那么類似這批服裝到底該如何標注其成分含量呢?問題就在于FZ/T 01053-2007 《紡織品 纖維含量的標識》標準的可操作性上,該標準中沒有具體量化微量到底能少到多少就可以忽略。
According to the test results, how to mark the component content for such similar apparel? The point is the operability of Standard of FZ/T 01053-2007 Textiles—Identification of Fiber Content, which did not specify how much micro fibre can be neglected.
3.2 產品的合格與不合格性
3.2 Qualification and disqualification of products
表1中的檢驗結果,質量檢測部門到底應該如何標注呢?既不能單純按照FZ/T 01053-2007 《紡織品 纖維含量的標識》7.1條款標為100%棉,也不能按7.5條款標為100%棉(含微量滌綸),如果片面標注都有可能在市場質量監督中被判為不合格項目的風險。
According to the test results in table 1, how should the Quality Supervision Department mark the component content? It cannot purely mark 100% cotton in accordance with clause 7.1 of FZ/T 01053-2007 Textiles—Identification of Fiber Content or 100% cotton (with micro terylene) in accordance with clause 7.5. If marked with any one, the products may be judged unqualified during the quality inspection.
3.3 對于標準修訂的建議
3.3 Suggestions on revision of standard
The said problem is caused by incompletion and lack of operability of standard. Therefore, it needs to perfect the standard as soon as possible and determine the quantum index of micro fibre is no more than 0.5% and more than 0.1%, so as to make the standard keep pace with times and satisfy the requirements of Quality Supervision Department, Quality Control Department and manufacturer. Only adaptability and authority of the standard are improved can it serve the manufacturer, customer and Quality Supervision Department very well.
4 小結
4. Conclusion
通過長期的實踐和總結,如果將纖維含量標識“7.5 當產品中某種纖維含量≤0.5%時,可不計入總量,標為‘含微量XX’”這一條修改為“7.5 當產品中某種纖維含量總量≤0.5%且>0.1%時,可不計入總量,標為‘含微量XX’;當某種纖維含量總量≤0.1%時可以忽略不計” 時,就能完全滿足正常的檢測需要。所以,將不多于0.1%的微量纖維進行必要的忽略,在纖維含量標識標準的可操作性上是可行的。
Through long-term practice and conclusion, it can meet the requirements for normal inspection in case of revising “When fibre content of some product is no more than 0.5%, it may not be calculated in the total content and marked with ‘micro XX contained’ in clause 7.5 of Textiles—Identification of Fiber Content” into “When fibre content of some product is no more than 0.5% and more than 0.1%, it may not be calculated in the total content and marked with ‘micro XX contained’; when fibre content of some product is no more than 0.1%, it can be neglected.” In conclusion, it is feasible to neglect no more than 0.1% fibre concerning the Operability of Standard Identification of Fiber Content.
[2] 蔣耀興 郭雅琳 紡織品檢驗學[M] 北京:中國紡織出版社
Inspection of Textiles [M] by Jiang Yaoxing and Guo Yalin, published by China Textile & Apparel Press in Beijing
[3] 田恬 紡織品檢驗[M] 北京:中國紡織出版社
Testing of Textiles [M] by Tian Tian, published by China Textile & Apparel Press in Beijing
[4] 吳堅 李淳 家用紡織品檢測手冊[M] 北京:中國紡織出版社
Inspection Manual for Household Textiles [M] by Wu Jian and Li Chun, published by China Textile & Apparel Press in Beijing
Introduction to the author:
XX, born in 1980, male, assistant engineer, engaged in inspection and standard research of various textiles.