Design Concepts
Esthetics, Mechanics, Practicality & Durability
These are the basic concepts and guiding principles practiced by Dickson. Attention to individualized design, details and standard processes provides Dickson with capacity to go beyond its time through originality and uniqueness in design. The principles of esthetics, mechanics, practicality and durability are the essence of the design concepts.
Dickson has witnessed the evolution from Chinese manufacturing to Chinese creation in the industry. Creative design and innovation are all the time resources to fuel Dickson in winning its public recognition. While designing Dickson furniture, we have made creative use of the traditional & modern culture, mixing into them all the fashion elements in the world while upgrading the interpretations to quality life.
Quest for Quality
Dickson Furniture looks at itself as an advocator of quality life.
By introducing advanced manufacture equipment, raw material and management technology from Germany, Italy and France, Dickson Furniture has taken the critical step to quality of products.
The stylish design and appealing structure have not only brought pleasure to the eyes of the customers, but also relaxation to their mind. The comfort of the furniture and durability represent the commitment of Dickson in response to the requirements of customers.
Starting from every detail, our sense of responsibility has helped the customers to enjoy quality life.
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Play, Mechanics, Esthetics, Time: 15 minutes
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材料介紹 這都是我們基本常用材料,看完后希望你們對我們質量有更深入了解.
Materials: Further understanding about our product quality can be expected after having a look at our materials.
以前亮光都是PE油漆做,現在迪信亮光都用PU油漆做的,(現在很多高級的鋼琴都是用PU漆做),因PE的固化 是需要通過催化劑,又稱藍水和白水混合一起產生反應固化,因為藍水和白水不能和三原色結合,PE只能做克色和白色,它的缺點只能人手噴,不能上機器自動化 生產,且對周圍環境造成污染,處理不好會有自動爆裂現象,但PU能做到硬而不爆裂,韌而不刮花,也是化工業改良的突破,但要做好PU亮光不容易,需要底的材料基礎要做得很好,否則會出現很容易刮花,明顯桔皮及砂眼等現象。
Though PE paint has been used all the time to achieve glistening effect on furniture, Dickson has turned to PU paint, which is used in the making of high-grade pianos. In the solidification process of PE, activators known as blue solution and white solution are required. Unable to work with tricolor, PE can only be used for black and white colors. Its disadvantage lies in the fact that PE can be sprayed on manually instead of being applied through automatic production. It may cause pollution to the environment and may burst if not handled properly. In contrast, PU can neither burst nor get scratched. However, using PU for glistening effect is not easy. It requires good material at the base to prevent scratching, orange peel or blister.
Heavy Gum & EVA
To achieve better durability so that there will be no distortion after a period of time in use, heavy gum that is soft and sufficiently resilient is used in the making of all our sofa seats and back supports. Though similar to sponge, another by-product from petroleum manufacturing, heavy gum is stronger in resilience, greater in density and specific gravity. In the past, durable sofas were mostly made of emulsion. However, heavy gum has replaced it for its comparable resilience.
The quality of EVA is determined by its resilience, density and specific gravity. The stronger the resilience is, the pricier the raw material is. Likewise, the higher the density, the more the materials shall be needed. In simple words, better quality can be expected as more resilient and greater the specific gravity of the material becomes.
Reinforced Glass
Built with silicon dioxide, sodium oxide, alumina or boron oxide as raw materials, the quality of glass has a lot to do with the different materials and production equipment. In the making of glass with high transparency, quality glass sand is used. Heating is included in the making of reinforced glass to achieve better density and hardness. In case of heavy load, collision or burst, only tiny grains shall be resulted and damage can be avoided. Except for these cases, explosion is possible. While bursts resulted from heavy load and collision are determined by quality standard and technology involved in the manufacturing process, the rate of explosion is determined by the bubbles in the glass. To ensure quality and safety, Dickson uses glass in compliance with the international standard, eight times stronger than ordinary glass, resistant to high temperature of 300℃ and with a chance in ten thousand for explosion. Upon explosion, there will be no fewer than 40 particles within the range of 50*50mm.
Water Coat on Glass
Water coat on glass, in white, charcoal gray, brown or red colors, is specially selected by Dickson among its imported materials from Italy. Combined completely with the surface of glass, it offers bright colors and makes the glass more durable. More importantly, the water dispersible pigment is free from solvent (thinner), odor and toxic side effect. (Coat on glass available in the market is mostly done through screen printing, a method that can leave some of the tiny parts uncovered. Some coats on glass are even done with a color film. This technology fails to give a true touch and is subject to bubbles.
Drawer Slide
Since drawer is the most frequently used part in furniture, the burst of joint between side board and surface, or ball falloff, bending and distortion of slide can stop the drawer from working properly. No matter how successful a design is, it can be completely ruined by a broken drawer. You can’t miss the importance of drawers in furniture.
為什么會流行亮光?現代產品,亦稱時代產品,不斷循環地變,顏色從深變為淺,從淺走回深,油漆從光走回啞,從啞走回光,是適應其他生活用品配搭,滿足需求,在變的過程中不斷在改良、進步、提升. 為做到平如鏡,耐用如玻璃,迪信亮光產品都采用 意大利制造油漆,每面都需要做三次UV底漆,三次PU亮光面漆,而且每次之間都用大型砂光機定厚,最后還經過高速拋光,經過拋光的PU亮光亮麗平滑,因高速拋光所產生的熱力,更加確保亮光表面不易于刮花,外面有些產品是PE油漆,有用PU的,但為省卻拋光程序又達到亮度,在PU油內加入慢干水,因慢干會令油漆變得較亮,但負作用就是油漆表面硬度不足,且很易刮花或底漆基礎不夠好,面及邊角不平滑,令產品外觀明顯欠缺價值感。
Bright-colored Products
Why is bright color in fashion now? Changes are constant for modern products, or products of the time. The color shifts from bright to light and then slides back to bright color. The paint goes from bright to dull and back to bright color. Such transition is the answer to the calls in order to match other items and to improve furniture itself. In order to offer mirror-like surface and glass-like durability, Dickson Furniture uses Italian paint on the bright-colored products. Three layers of UV coating, three layers of PU surface painting, thickness processing between each coating process and the final polishing leave the furniture with bright surface immune to scratching. In order to produce brightness without polishing process, the PE or PU-covered products available in the market are built with retarder in PU paint. Though a brighter layer comes up in retarding, the shortfalls can be found in the insufficient hardness, easy scratching and lack of solid coating. The rough surface and edges gives a feeling of worthlessness.
Metal in furniture is hardly identifiable by most consumers, such as that on feet and door frames. Dickson conducts wiredrawing and sand blasting before anodization for most of the exposed metal parts likely to be oxidized in the air. The wiredrawing and sand blasting give the aluminum surface splendor and presentation of solidity. Following anodization, aluminum neither goes rust nor peels off. Not as hard as iron and difficult to be soldered, the requirements on are structure and thickness appear to be vitally important. (For door frames, for instance, the minimal standard in Dickson is 2mm at wiredrawing and anodization, compared with 0.8mm at some brands.)
Though not so much different on surface, these metal framework is not strong and durable enough. In addition, ordinary iron tubes with simple electroplating or surface painting are found on other products. They are not up to durability requirements. This is due to the large quantity of sand holes that can not be covered by electroplating or blasting. As time goes by, air may go into the holes to cause and extend rusting so that peeling off can be resulted. From the perspective of cost, aluminum is sold at the price of RMB 25,000 a ton, much higher than steel, sold at RMB 6,000 a ton.
產地:意大利。顏色有米白色、淺灰色、深灰色、淺啡色。另有多種顏色可供選擇。成份50%聚丙烯,45%棉,3%聚丙烯酸。重量:490g/㎡. 縱橫交叉編織出立體感。
Imported from Italy, the fabric comes in beige, French grey, charcoal grey, deep-brown and other colors. It contains 50% PP, 45% cotton and 3% PAA. The weight is 490g/m2. The intersecting pattern brings out the third dimension of the fabric.
產地:意大利。顏色有杏色、銀灰色、紫色、淺啡色、深啡色 。另有多種顏色可供選擇。成份100% 聚脂纖維。 具阻燃特性。重量:490g/㎡。閃爍的金屬處理效果突顯其高貴感。
Imported from Italy, the fabric comes in almond, silver grey, purple, light-brown, deep-brown and other colors. Containing 100% polyester, it offers good resistance to combustion. Weighted 490g/m2, it has metallic effect to show its distinction.
1、 隱藏自動回彈路軌(關起來時聽到碰撞聲);
2、 隱藏自動滑軌加阻力器(輕力關聽不到碰撞聲);
3、 隱藏自動回彈滑軌帶強阻力器(大力關聽不到碰撞聲);客人可根據需要要求我們在沒裝阻力器的抽屜增加阻力器或改為帶阻力器隱藏回彈滑軌,但需額外收費。
Side board for Drawer
Side boards for drawers are made of multi-layer birch wood (pressed together with 9 layers of 1.3cm veneer) from Russia, similar to the panel of sewing machines made of 20 layer of veneer. As for 12cm plywood, the base layer is better but the rest is rough wood. In terms of cost and durability, the birch plywood is several times higher than ordinary plywood or density board. Tests show it is even better than solid wood, which can be affected by bending and distortion. In order to prolong the service life of the drawer, we also gave stress to the drawer slide. Three different slides from Hettich, a German manufacturer with a history of over 100 years, are used on Dickson furniture, including:
1 Concealed auto rebound slide (Clicking sound can be heard when drawer is closed.)
2 Concealed auto rebound slide plus resistor (No sound can be heard when drawer is closed lightly.)
3 Concealed auto rebound slide plus strong resistor (No sound can be heard when drawer is closed forcefully.) Resistor can be added or installed on concealed auto rebound slide at the customer’s expense.
Oak Veneer
Dickson imports 0.6mm veneer from France. The oak veneers are made into pieces with special equipment. For natural wood, it is inevitable to find scars, cross grains, crown cuts, bended parts and shades of colors. Ordinary veneers are ranked BC, those with scars and bended parts are ranked AB, those with cross grains and crown cuts are ranked A and the best veneers, those with fine grain not affected by scars, are ranked AA. No more than 10% of AA veneer can be used on furniture. The side boards in Dickson furniture are made with Class A veneers and above while Class AA veneers are used for surfaces, doors and front parts. They feature natural color, fine grain and thin texture. Upon strict selection, they have identical texture, color and size. Each of the parts is numbered at the bottom.
顏色選擇 材料基本顏色 布料 木 玻璃 布料顏色 木顏色 玻璃顏色 返回
Colors, Basic Color, Fabric, Wood, Glass, Fabric Color, Wood Color, Glass Color, Return
Furniture Maintenance
家具使用安全及注意事項 使用說明 日常保養 質量承諾
Safety and Precautions, Instructions, Daily Maintenance, Guarantee
Keep the furniture on leveled floor with heavy parts at the bottom in case of tipping over because of unstable gravity center. The items kept inside wardrobes should not exceed the closed position of the door in case of distortion.
Keep children away from sharp edges, mirrors, glass and metal parts of furniture. Avoid collision or harm due to carelessness.
Packages should be kept with the top facing upwards when the furniture is transported. Do not pile up to over 2 layers. For the purpose of transportation, extract all the items from the wardrobes and seal up the doors and drawers in case of tilting or injury. Do not attempt to move the furniture before the whole piece is lifted off the ground. Refer to the drawings when large furniture is demounted or installed.
Keep the furniture away from petroleum, benzene, acetone or other types of solution.
Do not open or close dinning table unless it is necessary. Frequent opening and closing can add to the chance of friction.
Do not exert extra force when opening the doors. The hinges on the doors are fastened to the cabinets with screws. If excessive force is used on the doors or hinges, the screws may become loose and the hinges may come off.
Surface paint falls into the category of opening and sealing paint. Opening paint can be used to bring out the grains and dimensions of the natural wood. If grease gets on the furniture by chance, wash with detergent in water before cleaning up with water and wiping with dry cloth so that water won’t get in the surface of the furniture. To dust the furniture, wipe with 95% dry cloth. Use fabric with soft fiber when wiping the furniture in case of scratching on the surface.
Note: Furniture with dull-colored paint may show extra brightness after wiping for a long time while brightness of furniture covered by bright-colored paint may slightly loss its brightness. These changes are normal.
To wipe aluminum alloy, use 85% dry cloth. Do not use any detergent in case the protective surface may be corroded and experience oxidation, which may affect its performance and metal surface.
Note: Avoid colliding and scratching the protection layer of aluminum alloy in case of oxidation of the surface.
If grease gets on the glass surface of furniture, wash with detergent in water before cleaning up with water and wiping with dry cloth. Make sure that water does not get into any cabinets. In the event of grease on frosted glass, clean with scouring powder. Avoid scratching when cleaning the glass surface. Reinforcing processing has been done on all the furniture by Dickson. In case of explosion the grain won’t be more than 40 particles within the range of 50×50mm.
Note: The rate of explosion is only one in ten thousand.
Maintenance of joints and screws: After long service, some of the screws may become loose and should be fastened with tools prepared by the user. Runways and slides should be lubricated at least once or twice a year so that they could work smoothly. Make sure that extra lubricant does not get on the furniture and damage its surface.
Conduct periodical inspection on the hinges and fasten the screws to avoid the screws and hinges from falling off and affecting the use of the doors.
When not used for a period of time, cover with high-density dark-colored cloth. If not used for a long time, demount the furniture according to instructions and keep it in cartons. Place the top of the cartons upwards in keep them in an area away from moisture and high temperature.
Cut the tape open carefully when unpacking your new furniture. Do not cut too deep in case of scratching of the furniture surface. Find drawings and accessories for installation and install according to the diagrams. Keep the diagrams properly after installation.
Safety load:
Glass tea table, wooden tea table: under 40kg
Glass dinning table, wooden dinning table: under 50kg
Cabinet and TV stand: under 80kg
Partitions of wardrobe, cabinet and TV stand: under 25kg
* 鍍落部件生銹時可放入盛機油的盆里浸泡8至10個小時,用布揩擦。
* 金屬部件生銹時可以用紗布蘸少許縫紉機油將銹斑擦干凈,露出銹蝕再用1號細水磨紗紙擦除銹跡,用紗布將銹屑油污揩凈,然后以2:3的比例將油漆與松節油調配,均勻并涂在銹蝕處。
If the galvanized parts get rusty, dip them in engine oil for 8~10 hours and wipe with cloth.
If metal parts get rusty, wipe off the dust with a few drops of machine oil on gauze. When the corroded parts are revealed, wipe with No. 1 fine sand paper and wipe the part clean with gauze. Apply 2:3 paint and turpentine mixture on the rusty parts.
故障現象 原因分析 排除方法
開關不順 1、 螺絲松動
2、 家具沒有擺放平整
3、 超負荷承重 1、 把螺絲加固
2、 調校平穩
3、 減少存放物件
柜體搖動 1、 螺絲松動
2、 五金件老化
3、 安裝錯誤
4、 柜腳高低 1、 把螺絲加固
2、 更換新五金件
3、 安裝時按照安裝圖紙
4、 調較平整
拉不動 1、 物件掉進抽屜底部或后背
2、 滑輪磨損或脫落
3、 滑軌中有異物
4、 滾珠式滑軌潤滑油凝固 1、 拉出整個抽屜把物件取出
2、 更換新滑輪
3、 清潔滑軌
4、 滾珠式滑軌可滴入少量潤滑油
部件松動 1、 使用時間長
2、 搬動中造成 1、 把螺絲擰緊2、 同上
Symptom Cause Solution
Door seam get deviated and doors can not be opened and closed smoothly. 1. Screws are loose.
2. Furniture is not placed at a leveled position.
3. Furniture is overloaded. 1. Fasten the screws.
2. Adjust level.
3. Reduce the load.
Cabinet swings. 1. Screws are loose.
2. Hardware gets aged.
3. Wrong installation
4. Uneven feet 1. Fasten the screws.
2. Replace the hardware.
3. Install as per the drawings.
4. Adjust level.
Drawer or slide can not be pulled or pushed. 1. Items get into the base of backs of the drawer.
2. Roller gets worn or comes off.
3. Foreign substance on the slide.
4. Lubricate of balls get congealed. 1. Take the item out of the drawer.
2. Replace the roller.
3. Clean the slide.
4. Apply a few drops of lubricant.
Door or handle gets loose. 1. Used for too long.
2. Caused in transportation. 1. Fasten the screws.
2. As above.